
I have not created or contributed to any of the articles referenced here. I have only organized publicly available links, primarily to tutorials from RealPython.

The purpose was to curate a well-structured roadmap for learning Python using existing materials. But I did not author any of the original content linked to from this roadmap.

Please visit the sites linked here for full credit to the authors of the tutorials, articles, and other resources that comprise this learning path. My contribution was solely in compiling, organizing, and formatting these links into a cohesive roadmap format.

While notes which are internally linker are indeed authored by me, sourced from various different sources.

Getting Started with Python


Data Structures

Program Flow


This order starts from basic function syntax and builds on that foundation: Read in defined order.

  • Defining functions
  • Optional/inner function concepts
  • Passing by reference
  • Recursion basics
  • Lambda and functional programming
  • *args/**kwargs syntax


Read in order:

The links build on each other starting with OOP basics, into classes, decorators, properties, and constructors. The advanced topics later on leverage the core concepts covered earlier. Going in order will provide the best learning experience!

Files and I/O

Dunder methods

The term "dunder" comes from "double underscore". These are also referred to as magic methods since they allow you to access built-in behaviors in Python.


Python Traceback
Python KeyError Exceptions
Python Exceptions
Sorting in Python
Python Namedtuple
The Python Reduce Function
Pointers in Python
Python __main__ Top Level
Absolute vs Relative Imports
Operator Overloading in Python
Python Namespace Packages
Python Encodings Guide
Python Shebang Line
Python Directory Tree Generator
The Python Collections Module
